

1315 Uppsatser om Childhood cancer - Sida 1 av 88

Att åka berg- och dalbana : en resa från barndom till vuxenliv med fyra vuxna barn till missbrukare

The aim of this degree project is to find out how people who have grown up in families with addiction problems have experienced their childhood and how their adult life has been affected by this. With the help of qualitative interviews with four grown up children to addicts, knowledge has been gained about what was experienced as problematic during childhood, what was beneficial and compensatory as well as how they feel today. The results have shown that their childhood was affected by a deficiency in the ability to parent, weak networks, adjusting, responsibility, a feeling of being left out and few positive experiences. Factors that have been protective are: important people, interests as well as attitude. In adult life many habits from childhood remain.

En kunskapsöversikt över psykologiska interventioner till föräldrar med cancersjuka barn

The purpose of this essay is to compile interventions for parents of children with cancer in a literature review based on 13 peer-reviewed articles. The objective is twofold: to describe the aim of the interventions, and to investigate their effectiveness. Results indicate that the aim is to reduce stress, prevent the development of posttraumatisk stress, improve problem-solving skills, improve coping behaviour or increase parents? knowledge of childcancer. Some of the interventions have intended effect, others have effect but not intended effect, and finally some show no effect at all.

Det värsta har hänt- mitt barn har drabbats av cancer : En litteraturbaserad studie om föräldrars upplevelser under sjukdomstiden

Background:About 250 000 children develops cancer every year. Most of them has a parent and a family who also is getting affected. During this time the parents go through a crisis and the nurse had a central role to help them through the hard time. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate parent´s experiences of living with a child with a cancer diagnose during the illness. Method: A literature -based study, qualitative content analysis of 14 qualitative articles.


The purpose of this study is to describe how dandelion children has experienced their childhood and how their childhood has formed them in their adulthood. The purpose is also to examine how the attachment between the child and the parents has come to expression. To search for the answers of the purpose the following issues has been created: How do dandelion children experience that their upbringing has formed them as a human being in adulthood? and How do dandelion children experience the attachment to their parents have been expressed during childhood? The empirical material of this study is based on a qualitative approach where the material has been assembled by semi-structured interviews with five respondents. The result shows that all the respondents has experienced their childhood as a problematic existence due to their parents lacking in their basic care of the child.

Upplevelser och copingstrategier hos föräldrar och syskon till barn med cancer

Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva föräldrars och syskons upplevelser och copingstrategier när ett barn i familjen drabbats av cancer. Sökning av litteratur har gjorts i databaserna Medline via Pubmed, Cinahl och Science Direct där 19 artiklar valdes ut. Resultatet visade att föräldrars upplevelser och copingstrategier var relativt samstämmiga. Upplevelserna tar sig ofta form i chock, förnekelse och stress de första månaderna. Hur föräldrarna sedan hanterar situationen kan variera, beroende på bland annat kön och religion.

The WT1-gene ? its role in tumourigenesis and prospects for developing a vaccine

The WT1 gene is a complex gene originally known to suppress cancer in kidneys. Studies of WT1 knockout mice have confirmed the important role of WT1 in the pathogenesis of Wilms? tumour, a tumour which counts for 95% of all childhood renal tumours. In that case the WT1 gene acts as a tumour suppressor gene. Subsequent research has shown that the WT1 gene in many other cases acts as an oncogene, e g in leukemia or lung cancer (even though these cancer forms can emerge as a result of many other aetiological factors).

Att vara syskon till barn med cancer : en litteraturstudie

Syftet med denna studie var att belysa hur litteraturen beskriver hur syskon till barn med cancer mår, vilka behov de har och vad som görs för dessa syskon. Fjorton artiklar inkluderades i studien och dessa hittades i databaserna Cinahl och Medline (via Pub Med). Sökorden cancer, siblings, emotions, childhood neoplasms, feelings, neoplasms, coping och support har använts i kombination för att hitta artiklarna. Av studiens resultat framkom att många syskon fick förändrad livskvalitet. De kände sig oroliga för det sjuka barnet, en del fick beteende problem som försvann, medan andra kvarstod under en längre tid hos andra.

Att vara syskon till ett barn med cancer : - Det friska barnets behov av stöd

Syskon till barn med cancer ägnas lite tid inom hälso- och sjukvården. De är ofta emotionellt försummade av hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal samt närstående. Syftet med studien var att belysa behovet av stöd hos syskon till barn med cancer. Metoden var en litteraturstudie innehållande totalt 16 vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna var både av kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats.

Sjuksköterskans roll i vårdandet och bemötandet av barn med cancer : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie

Background: Globally, one percent of all people diagnosed with cancer are children. Childhood cancer often requires long and tough treatments. When a child is diagnosed with cancer it also affects the family and the relatives. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the nurse?s role in the care and treatment of children with cancer.

Copingstrategier hos föräldrar och syskon till barn med cancer : en litteraturstudie

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva de copingstrategier som föräldrar och syskon till barn med cancer använde för att hantera problem under vårdtiden, samt att beskriva vilka faktorer som påverkade dessa copingstrategier. Litteratursökningen utfördes via databasen Elin@Dalarna och sökorden som användes var Childhood cancer, paediatric cancer, cancer, parents, siblings, coping, och coping strategies. Inklusions-kriterierna var att artiklarna skulle vara publicerade 1999 eller senare, skrivna på engelska och finnas i fulltext på databasen. Sökningen resulterade i 20 artiklar som ansågs vara relevanta för arbetets syfte. En granskning av artiklarna gjordes och betygen G, VG, MVG och IG delades ut.

Vem är du? Vem är jag? Följarens charader!

The purpose of this two years master´s thesis in Archive, Library and Information Museum science is to examine the ideas about children and childhood which have an influence on the storytime at public libraries. The material on which this thesis is based, is a methodbook which is aimed to develop the storytimes and those picture books that are recommend in the methodbook. The theoretical points of departure are discourse analysis and childhood sociology. The concepts of being and becoming are frequently used when analyzing the methodbook. Other theoretical points of departure are the combination of narratologi, semiotics and hermeneutics, which are also used when analyzing the picture books.The result indicates that the storytime, recommended in the methodbook, is based on the idea of a timeless culture of childhood - where the "modern child" including the media used today - is left out. Concepts as nostalgia and pedagogy are tightly connected.

Föräldrars erfarenhet av vårdgivares information då deras barn har cancer.

När ett barn insjuknar i cancer rasar världen samman för hela familjen och föräldrarna hamnar i en svår krissituation. Information och kommunikation är då av största vikt för att föräldrar ska få de bästa förutsättningarna för att klara av resan under sitt barns cancerbehandling.Syftet med denna litteraturgenomgång var att belysa föräldrars erfarenhet av information under behandlingstiden hos ett cancersjukt barn. Detta gjordes genom att söka efter kvalitativa artiklar utifrån sökorden; child, parents, neoplasm/cancer, Childhood cancer, information, information needs, education, education needs, communication, communication needs, oncology care, nursing care, teaching. Artiklarna analyserades utifrån Ewans analysmodell.Tre kategorier utifrån föräldrarnas stora behov av information framträdde;1. Att informationen/undervisningen sker på ett sätt så att jag kan förstå och ta den till mig2.

Ett livslångt lidande. De professionellas upplevelser om uppväxtvillkorens påverkan på traumahantering

This study aim to explore how the conditions of an individual's childhood may affect their coping with trauma. The individuals represented in this study, for the purpose to explore coping with trauma, are individuals grown up under insufficient childhood conditions. This study is based on the assumption that childhood conditions, are a factor of influence on coping with trauma, in a greater extent than it is understood and given credit for in todays society. Our result shows that there is an obvious correlation between insufficient childhood conditions and destructive coping with trauma. There is a need of larger general awareness that an individuals resources for coping with trauma is affected by the conditions growing up.

Breast cancer stem cells : evidence and contradictory views

This literature study aims to examine the existence of cancer stem cells in breast cancer. The cancer stem cell theory states that there is a hierarchical organization within a tumour, in which a small subpopulation of the cells can initiate new tumours and maintain tumour growth whilst the bulk of the tumour cannot. These tumour initiating cells have shown to possess many characteristics similar to those of adult stem cells, which is why they are often referred to as cancer stem cells. Both cell types have the capacity of asymmetric division and have shown to possess mechanisms of resistance to both apoptosis and cancer drugs. The cancer stem cell theory elucidates many biological aspects such as the heterogeneity of tumours and the relapse of many cancers after what appeared to be successful treatments.

Livssituationen för föräldrar vars barn drabbats av cancer : En systematisk litteraturstudie

I Sverige insjuknar årligen ungefär 300 barn och ungdomar i någon cancersjukdom. Cancer hos barn ansågs tidigare som någonting obotligt. De senaste årtiondenas medicinska framsteg har dock radikalt förändrat perspektivet på barncancer. I dag vet vi att två av tre barn blir botade. Förutom medicinskt - tekniskt kunnande är det också nödvändigt med ett riktigt omhändertagande och en god omvårdnad av patienten och familjen.

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